Free Sessions to benefit our Community
We are delighted to have secured funding from the Derbyshire County Council Public Health team to support our community(ies) to recover after the pandemic. The funding will support new groups to trial hire at Stanton Village Hall with 8 weeks of subsidised hire.
We are able to offer 8 x 1 hour sessions of weekly hire at no cost to support new groups to start at the hall (there may be some opportunity for variation - for instance, 16 weeks of half-price 1-hour sessions if there's good reason). Use of our kitchen is included if desired.
It is important that the groups support our community (or sub-sets of) and have a view to continuing into the longer term (after the trial period ends). Decisions about eligibility and suitability are at the sole discretion of the Stanton Village Hall Management Committee.
We do only have weekday daytime availability as our evenings are mostly booked.
All sessions must be run legally and in line with any relevant professional practice where necessary. Sessions that are run not-for-profit in just our venue (no other locations) may benefit from a hirer extension in place through our insurance to provide cover.
We're still in the admin stage of sorting things with the funder but leave your details and we'll get back to you. We hope to be able to move forward in the next few weeks.