We're so grateful for the increasing volunteer and gifted time from local businesses over the past months.
Maintenance and day-to-day
We're asked a lot about how people can help. There are many, many tasks that we'd love support with.
Hall wardens: As parties restart and we approach holiday season it would be helpful if we could get some support to open and close the Hall at the weekend. We're flexible as to how wardens and rotas for this might work. Please email us (below) to discuss further.
Join our lawn mowing rota: https://www.villagehallstanton.com/help
Join our monthly big clean: https://www.villagehallstanton.com/help
There are several ideas and projects our community have asked us for but we can't launch these alone. If you are interested please let us know: admin@villagehallstanton.com
Village Cafe: We're exploring a village cafe idea. Volunteers to help run this would be needed.
Fundraising: Support to run fundraising activity.
Classes: Are you a session leader who could help us run sessions such as sewing or crochet? Our community have told us they'd like to see these type of events.
We'd love your input!
We've recently won funding to improve the kerb appeal of the Hall. We'd love your ideas of how we can improve the Village Hall frontage. Ideas from all ages are welcomed.